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Jessica (HDB)

I'm a bookworm of the highest caliber! If you see me, I'll probably be reading. There's nothing I love more than finding a good book, and then sharing it with the world!

The Thickety: A Path Begins by J.A. White

The Thickety: A Path Begins - J. A. White

I'm still so very conflicted about this book. The truth of the matter is that no matter what I write, it's not going to be exactly what I want to say. I had to take a few days to mull over how I felt about The Thickety: A Path Begins before even trying to compose a review. It started out with all the markings of a book I would love. A Middle Grade book with a brave, young heroine, plenty of magic, and just enough action to keep things interesting. For the first few chapters I was completely immersed. This story doesn't have the happiest beginning, but it is one that sets our heroine on her path. Only time would tell where that path took her.


As I followed along with Kara, I soon noticed that this story has a definite dark undertone. I'm a firm believer that young readers can handle a lot more than people give them credit for. That reading about anger, violence, and death can be good for them if it's portrayed correctly. This book just felt off, in that respect. Everyone in Kara's village loathed her family. Even the people she referred to as kind would turn on her in a moment if need be. It took her story into a very dark place and, as I soon discovered, it got darker from there. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Especially because, as I'll get to soon, it just didn't seem to have a point.


See, Kara Westfall is a witch. After her mother was convicted, and murdered, for being a witch Kara still wants to pursue this. Okay, fine. I could get behind this because the magic that she was capable of was wonderous. Nothing dark, or scary. Yet. Enter Grace. The exact opposite of young Kara in every way. Once she was on the scene, all the magic in this story took a very sharp turn. There was death, and torture. That stark line between Kara's "good" magic and Grace's "bad" magic started to blur. Keep in mind that this society hinges on the belief that magic should be shunned. After reading this story? I'm apt to agree with them. No wonder they wanted to keep it out of their lives.


My biggest issue, over everything else, was just that this story didn't seem to have an ultimate point. The Thickety: A Path Begins starts with a Kara who just wants to be accepted. To not feel like an outcast in her own community. She never really accomplishes this. The concept of "good" and "bad" magic is never hashed out. There's no final lesson, or anything to take away from this other than the fact that poor Kara has led a life filled with pain and chances are it isn't going to get any better. 


Looking at this from an adult perspective, I was unimpressed with everything except the writing. That, I can definitely say was well done. It draws you in and, obviously, kept me reading to the end. From a young reader's perspective, I'd have to say I might give this closer to a three star rating. I see them being quicker to forgive Kara, and maybe even understand her. They might have an easier time filling in the gaps that glared at me from the story. For this reader though? It wasn't what I was hoping for.