315 Following

Jessica (HDB)

I'm a bookworm of the highest caliber! If you see me, I'll probably be reading. There's nothing I love more than finding a good book, and then sharing it with the world!

September 2016 TBR

Mammoth: A Novel - Douglas Perry The Apostates - Lars Teeney Song of Princes (Homeric Chronicles Book 1) - Nadège Richards, Regina Wamba, Janell Rhiannon It - Stephen King Esio Trot - Quentin Blake, Roald Dahl A Mortal Song - Megan Crewe The Memory Thief - Bryce Moore The Midnight Sea - Kat Ross Blood of the Prophet (The Fourth Element) (Volume 2) - Kat Ross Kubrick's Game - Derek Taylor Kent, Lane Diamond, Lina Rivera

I need someone to follow me around while I'm checking my email and smack me on the hand every time I agree to do a new blog tour. *sigh* Pretty much all of these books are review books for tours, or that I agreed to read for the authors themselves. It's not that I'm not excited about most of them! I am! I'm just bummed because somewhere in here I also have to fit some bingo books. September is going to be a challenging month.


Cool things about next month though:


* The IT re-read is with the Horror Aficionados group on Goodreads, which I'm super stoked for.


* Esio Trot is part of a HUGE blog tour in honor of Roald Dahl's birthday next month, which is going to be really really awesome! A ton of prizes will be given away.


* Kubrick's Game is a new book by an author that I helped out a ton before he worked his way into YA (he wrote MG books), and I get to provide one of his first 10 reviews. I feel special <3.


Wish me luck! This is going to be an intense reading month.