315 Following

Jessica (HDB)

I'm a bookworm of the highest caliber! If you see me, I'll probably be reading. There's nothing I love more than finding a good book, and then sharing it with the world!

April 2015 Wrap Up

Books Read and Reviewed in April:






Total books read/reviewed: 10



Books Read/Not Reviewed:




Total books read/not reviewed: 6


Grand Total: 16 (4 DNF books)

Reading Progress: 63 out of 150 books (42%)


I really don't want to count DNF books in my overall count, but it's tricky since I've honestly never DNF'd so many books in one month before. Lol. I'll figure it out. I might just add an extra book to my overall goal for each one I DNF. We shall see.


Let's talk the good though, and that's the fact that there were so many good books this month! Red Rising, We Were Liars, The Dead I Know, The Accidental Hero and Valiant all are well worth your time. You need to go out and add them to your TBR if you haven't already. Trust me, I five-starred all of them and I have no regrets.


Onward to May reading!