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Jessica (HDB)

I'm a bookworm of the highest caliber! If you see me, I'll probably be reading. There's nothing I love more than finding a good book, and then sharing it with the world!

The Witch's Boy by Kelly Barnhill

The Witch's Boy - Kelly Barnhill

The biggest hugs imaginable to Kelly Barnhill, because she just gets it. The Witch's Boy is one of those magical books that's destined to end up on the shelves of readers both young and old. Why, you ask? Within these pages is the type of story that bridges gaps. It sparks the imagination. It allows the reader to connect with Ned and with Aine. To become a part of their world. It's likely I'll ramble below, so let me get this out of the way right now: I loved this story. Plain and simple.


Barnhill hasn't written a quick moving epic here. She doesn't throw the characters out there, and immediately create tension for them. Instead, the words printed onto these pages have a lyrical quality to them. Ned's story ebbs and flows, painstakingly bringing all the important bits together. Please don't worry if you're not instantly enamored with this book. It does move a bit slowly but, and trust me when I say this, it's all building up to something wonderful.


If the setting and the atmosphere weren't enough, the characters truly sealed the deal for this particular reader. It was almost impossible for me not to understand Ned and Aine. While both have their own distinct personalities, they share that sense of otherness. Of being someone outside the norm. I loved how brave they both were, and yet how flawed. How Barnhill allowed them moments of weakness in order to show that they were still young. I refuse to go too much into detail, as part of the magic of this story is getting to know these two, but I'll say that they were perfect for me. I loved our protagonists, and you couldn't have pried me away from them.


Everything about this story is magical. I was wrapped up in the web of words that The Witch's Boy offered up, and quite happy about it. Those of you who have followed me for anything length of time know that I love stories like these. I don't often compare books, but I'd say this story sits right on up there with Breadcrumbs in terms of enchantment. I adored it, and I can't wait for more from Kelly Barnhill.